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- Ce sujet contient 84 réponses, 15 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par
Aladin, le il y a 1 semaine et 5 jours.
22 mai 2017 à 18 h 43 min #3980Staff
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Mise à jour de la liste des jeux sur AmigaFrance
Liste des jeux:
Sommaire JeuxECS: Jeux OCS/ECS
RTG: Jeux RTGWHDLG (WHDLOAD générique) : 3000 jeux (en majorité des jeux DP/SW)
WHDL (WHDLOAD officiel): 2500 jeux (en majorité des jeux commerciaux)Discussion sur la liste des jeux du forum
Rapport de bug sur les jeux du forum -
21 juillet 2017 à 20 h 02 min #8105Staff
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux: (Juillet 2017)
X-ploit (1992 Brilliant/Media Game Line)
Master Mage (1990 M Welker)
25 septembre 2017 à 15 h 49 min #12404StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux: (Septembre 2017)
Plumpy (1996 LT Design) (Fix)
Desolate World (1997 Cizek) (demo)2 octobre 2017 à 13 h 39 min #178656StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux: (Octobre 2017)
Cheatmania (1999 Stylon Crew)
Crystal Kingdoms (1993 L Wilkie) (demo)
Impsbru (2017 approxit)
Crazy Priest (2017 Sordan/Aszu/JMD) (Version Finale)
Blask (Mastaszek) (demo)
Openfire (tehKaiN) (demo)
Amibox (2017 Phibrizzo)14 novembre 2017 à 13 h 54 min #178665StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux: (Novembre 2017)
Project-X Special Edition (1992-1993 Team 17) (Update v2.0)
Schütze Mike and the Treasure of the Inkas
Chaos Ein Mann für alle Fälle
Heroes of Gorluth (Amiworx)
Golden Wing (2017 Cooper Sky)
Mirror (2017 Zener/Gus Entertainment)
Space Combat (Juande3050)
Eurofighter (2017 Spiral)
Silverman and the treasure of SanJuan (Goblins/Amigawave) (Demo)
Laberinto (2017 Sensei)
Puzzle (2017 Sensei)17 juillet 2018 à 18 h 22 min #37258StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux: (Juillet 2018)
Wonder Girl in Monster Place (Moya/Underground Arcade) (demo)
Halloween Nightmare (Underground Arcade) (demo)
Tuesday (Rebel-CD32/Underground arcade) (demo)25 août 2018 à 23 h 51 min #39662StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux: (Août 2018)
Wizard’s World (1991 Stratagem)
Hydrocis (1992 S Winkel)
Amigoids (1990 M Lafontaine)
Viaje al centro de la tierra (1990 Topo Soft)
Blue Thunder (Earok) (WIP)
Mace (1988 Downunder/ECP)
Cold Blooded Murder (2001 simonis)
Saucery (1997 RKihl)
Stratoplex (1996 PW Storonskij)
FlatMates (2001 Simonis)
Bratwurst (1995 Three Little Elks)
Engines (1995 T Andersson)
G Rocker (1995 SP Haavisto)
Avatris (1991 Aratars)
Temptris (1996 J Hildebrand)
Beasties 1 (1996 A Margetts)
Beasties 2 (1996 A Margetts)
HellShot (1999 HellHound)
Toadies (2001 T Kohler)
Legend of the Explosing Fist (1998 IP Andrews)
Wizards of Odd (1998 A Crowe)
DynaBlaster Special Battle (1997 FX Casseron)
Lego Blast (2001 Proxima)
Superit (1998 A Wheeler)
543210 (1998 O Lux)
Spod Racer (1999 A Crowe)
Toads (1997 A Kennan)
Amitron (1998 P Henz)
Arena (1996 SC Taylor)
Crazy Speedway (1998 N Piotrowski)
Duenix (1998 Halef Sun Queen)
Light Cycles 2 (1996 C Underwood)
Ringworm (1996 herbert)
Snace (2001 J Berntsen)
Super Tron 97 (1997 R Nordqvist)
Viper (1994 R Drennan)
Wally the worm 1 (1996 Electronic Minds)
Battle Stink Beetles (1997 RW Benjamin)
Crush (1997 R Weber)
Die Big Breakthrou (1999 R Rakkola)
Natural Born Killers (1997 S Banzi)
Scavenge (2010 JA Wright)
Shootout 2 (1999 G Griffiths)
Spodland (1997 A Crowe)
Tag (1995 D Goodman)
WarZone (1996 R Kaffka)
Colorix (1992 Mac Soft)
Colorix (1993 Testaware)
MagicTurn (1992 testaware)
Mindchaos (1993 testaware)
Mines (1993 testaware)
Movix (1997 Testaware)
Paragon (1991 testaware)
Tie (1993 testaware)
Took (1991 Testaware)
Spherix (1991 Testaware)
Harvey’s Nightmare (1994 Testaware)
ShaNaNa (1993-2001 Testaware)
Shootout 2000 (2000 G Griffiths)
Shootout (1995 F Otto)
Tyran (1996 Pentagram7/Marksoft)29 août 2018 à 15 h 59 min #40052StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux: (Septembre 2018)
Africa (2006-2018 J Jacobs/amigan)
Saga Age of Heroes (2002-2017 J Jacobs/amigan)
Bomb Squad (1997 R Benjamin)
Crack Out (1997 C Hodges)
Knock Out (1996 H Spierling)
Gimcana (1993 M Caricati)
Squirm (1992 Nerve Axis)
Gunnygoo (1993 B Schwarzmann)
Fnurr 2000 (2000 DawnBringer)
Matrioska (1993 M Caricati)
Pepsi Game (1991 Ego Software)
Droid Wars 1 à 5 (2002-04 J Berntsen)
Pallukat (1993 K Veijalainen)
Gobblies (1993 W Morlege)
Mr Munk in FluidLand (1990 Kefrens)
Nautilus (1997 M Douarain)
Qball 2 (1989 B Kraeuter)
Rokkit (1998 T Downes)
Sharks (2000 C Steiner)
Snail (2002 spam_mail25)
Vector Trap (1994 A Campbell/Black Dragon Design)
Wall Defence (2002 V Tzvetkov)
Brutal Tenia (1996 G Papandrea)
Color Track (2005 R Scacchetti)
Megaworm (1992 K Souza)
Megaworm (1993 M Caricati)
Sudden Death (2001 M Gare)
Super Masken 98 (1998 A Persson)
Tron 95 (1995 Abyss)
Tronn (1998 T Floquet)
Worm (1994 Future)
Emotional Conflict (1995 Arrow Dynamic)
Colorical (1990 MA Soft)
Dirty rackets (1992 Pyramid Entertainment)
Return of Valkyr (1992 MA Soft)
Fatal impact (1994 N Galis)
Sol Negro (1988 Opera Soft)
Telemark Warrior (1989 Silicon Games/DRO Soft)
Space Power (1993 Pyramid Entertainment)
Stellar Escape (1991 Pyramid Entertainment)Update Septembre 2018: (ajout WHDLG)
Caribbean Disaster (1996 Silver Style)
Ciemna Strona (1997 Diogenes)
Escape (1997 N Crossfield)
Roger Rabbit in Hare Raising Havoc (1992 BlueSky/Infogrames)
Indian Mission (1988 Coktel)
Lost on Parrot Island (1996 F Otto/APC&TCP)
Olaf Longhair Goes East (1998 Performance Software)
Telekommando 1 (1992 Art Department/Telekom)
Telekommando 2 kehrt zurück (1993 Art Department/Telekom)
Total Species (1995 Firstrate Effex)
Crime Time (1991 X-Ample/Starbyte)
In the Dead of Night (1994 Trecision)
Murders in Venice (1989 Cobra Soft/Infogrames)10 octobre 2018 à 21 h 01 min #43213StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux: (Octobre 2018)
Star Dust Wars (2018 gyagyagyerek)
Bionix 2 (1989 Mirage Holland)
Blaster (1992 J Evans)
Buggy Commando (1988 Digtal Soft)
Cyber man (1993 F Bizzetti)
WolfPac (1997 OnLineLoop)
Skimmers (1997 Team Mango)
Team Ford Q8 (1992 Softeyes)
MA Games (1990 MA Soft)
Mighty Nerd (1989 ISM)
Rags (2001 Shades Productions)
Monkey Business (1985 Other Valley)
Weird Wars (1992 jPV)
Seven Realms (1997 C Jarvis)
Wimp Commander
Revolver (1994 AM Fisher)
Lupengo (1990 C Berreo)
Super Caztri 1 (1991 Ram Jam)
Super Caztri 2 (1994 Ram Jam)
Mini Legion (2018 Irongate)
Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1988 Sierra)
Mixed-Up Mother Goose Enhanced (1991 Sierra)
Mink Gold 2 (2018 Digital Team)
Joust (2012 Meynaf)
Back to the Golden Age (2014 Meynaf)
10×10 (2015 Rob Hewitt)
Downfall (2012 G Humphrey/Remainder)
Puzcat (2015 A Worthington)
Amishion Impossible (2018 Earok)
Tronic Kids (2018 Amiga Factory)
Dungeon Master 1 Addon (2011 Meynaf)
Geo’s Quest 1 (2001 Paul Golian)
Geo’s Quest 2 (2010 Paul Golian)Update Octobre 2018: (ajout WHDLG)
Berusky (2017 BSzili)
Choctris demo (Amigafans)
Aminer demo (2018 tehKaiN/SoftIron)
Pong 4K demo (Haunted House Interactive)
Mirror (2017 Zener/Sandman)
Day of the Tentacle (1993-2016 LucasArts/Earok beta)
Agonman demo (fondriesete/Pixorra Soft) (Fixé)Création de trois sommaires pour les jeux RTG:
Jeux RTG
Jeux SDL
Jeux Hollywood26 novembre 2018 à 15 h 11 min #45905StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux: (Novembre 2018)
Accolorado (2018 jojo073/AmigaWave)
Brus Lii Real (2018 Irongate)
Barbarian Plus (2018 Raster Wizards)
Uwol Quest for Money (2018 Purples Studios)
Equality (2015 TLK/Galahad)
Gloom TC Spekkio Battle (2015 nittamituaki)
Gloom TC Jecht Battle (2014 nittamituaki)
Dwarves in the Iceland (2009 Robert Szacki)
Syman Xmas (2009 ultimateamiga com dev team)
Sam and Max Xmas (2009 Philski)
Blobz (2004 Alternate Realities)
Muscarine or Erica’s Trip (2000 Rainer Appel)
Escape from Hammy Town (1999 Jools Henn)
Valar (1997 Petr Voboril/Valar UnLtd)
Survivor (1997 Steve Bailey)
Crossfire 1 / X Fire (1997 Chaotic Byte)
Shadow of the Devil (1997 Riki Computers Games)
Total Tetris (1997 Multis)
Art of Breaking Heads (1996 T Pears)
Sinuhed (1996 GOD/DC Crew)
Kargon (1996 APC TCP)
Harry’s Balloons (1996 Collide)
Dodgy Game (1995 E J Clay)
Biker Babe from Barbados (1995 R Walsh/Blue Blood)
Infernal Machine (1995 Kon Tiki)
Top Tilers (1995 Four Season)
Miecze Valdgira 2 (1995 ASF/Timsoft)
Pepe the Screwdriver (1995 Wildcard/Alderan)
Mr Tomato (1995 Infinite Dreams/LK Avalon)
Pechowy Prezent (1995 Nipson/Mirage Media)
Sen (1995 LK Avalon)
Rebel (1995 Cyber Alliance)
Mysi Steska (1995 PK)
Lasermania 2 (1995 LK Avalon)
7 dni 7 nocy (1994 Bohewia Software/Vochozka Trading)
Skoczny Jacuś (1994 Atares)
Boomerang Man (1994 S Gustavsson)
Commando Raid (1994 W Nolan)
Janosik (1994 Midnight Computer/Mirage Media)
Tetrix 2 (1994 Hawkeye Soft)
Vabank (1994 LK Avalon)
Booze O Meter (1994 Animators)
Magic Coins (1994 No Name Team/TimSoft)
Syzyf (1994 A Durok/Twin Spark Soft)
Magiczna Kostka (1993 EXE)
Pan Vlku (1993 Vectoria Software Development)
Maze Warz (1993 Sisys)
Ballistic Diplomacy (1993 Martin Gruhn/Handmade Games)
Egg Blasters (1992 Midnight Coders)
Scud Buster (1992 Howard Dortch)
ZNYK (1992 Adisak Pochanayon/Silver Fox)
Metal a Robot Combat Simulator (1989 ECP)Update Novembre 2018: (ajout/update WHDLG)
Genghis Khan (1990 Infogrames)
Nobunaga’s Ambition (1990 Koei)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1 (1989 Koei)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 (1992 Koei)
Fire Brigade Battle Kiev (1989 Panther/Mindscape)
Ve Stinu Magie (1996 Division)4 décembre 2018 à 20 h 37 min #46265StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux: (Décembre 2018)
Bone Cruncher (1988-2018 Superior/Ross)
The Zing (2018 Jojo073/Irongate)
Cuento de Navidad (2018 Jojo073/Irongate)
Coco Banana Xmas Demo (2018 Amiten)
Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon ST (2018 Meynaf)
Santa Chaos (2018 Raliza Software)
Shokaku 30th (2015 Pastel Spirit)
Kiwi’s Tale (2018 Earok)
Bomb X New Levels (1995 Outlaws)
40 Thieves (1994 Daniel Kneeshaw)
Arctic Hunter Demo (2010 Krzysztof Matys)
Blitris (1995 Tyrrell Corp)
Block buster 2 (1992 Shades)
Fast Freddie (1991 M Baumgaertner/Courbois)
Fred the Frog (1997 RW Benjamin)
Karambolage Billard (1988 Goelzy)
Memo (2003-2018 Simone Bevilacqua/Retream)
Mystery Fish (1994 Aszart)
Outerim (1993 SJ Teague)
Willie’s Waterworks (1992 Omega Demos/UPD)
Heroes of Gorluth Demo (2018 Amiworx)
Action Service (1989 Cobra Soft/Infogrames)
Black Jack (1991 P Craven)
Close Quarters (1992 C Good/Valour Tech)
Dyna Mate (1995 Pillow)
Picture puzzle (1992 P Wheatstone)
Rags to Riches (1992 J Campey/Genetic EFX)
Space Spuds (1988 Haitex Resources)
Jet Strike Fantasy demo (1994 Shadow)
Mani Pulite (1992 Double Byte)
Sexy 2 (1992 Double Byte)
Techno Ninja (1993 Double Byte)
I Puzzi Demo (1991 Four Seasons)
Savoiardo (1993 Four Seasons)
Shoot Em Up Demo (1991 Four Seasons)
Star Plop (1991 Four Seasons)Update Décembre 2018: (ajout/update WHDLG)
The Game (2015 David Eriksson) (update v0.95)
Bad Ninjas vs Rick & Joe (2018 Ricky Place) (update décembre 2018)
Red Mars (1999 FRM/Elbox) (update décembre 2018)
Robouldix (1993-2016 Terminus Team) (ajout WHDLG)
Amiga Redpill Racing Demo (Juande3050) (update v4)
Renegades (1995 K Darbyshire/W Ashworth)
Renegades Deluxe (2014 K Derbyshire/W Ashworth)
Star Dust Wars (2018 gyagyagyerek) (update v1.0)
Black Magic (1989 EAS) (ajout WHDLG)
Kaizokuban (2018 Goblins/Amigawave) (Mise à jour version anglaise)
Breakout Revolution (1996 O Michel) (fix WHDLG + WHDL)
5 janvier 2019 à 22 h 10 min #49002StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux (Janvier 2019):
Kill Da Aliens (1993-2019 shanekelly)
Mega Bomber Demo (1994 A Bartram)
Monaco (1993 D Taylor/Boys In Beigeo)
Overdose (1996 Fantasy Freaks)
Big Deal (1987 Neutronics/Ariolasoft)
Lance a Lot (1995 Mystic Source)
Mega Mixture 1 (1993 Future Software)
Magic Cards (1997-2018 PrzSoft)
Imbrium (1992 D Mort – J Riding )
El Dorado (1995 CD Express)
Harem Challenge (1995 CD Express)
Laser Quiz 1 (1995 CD Express)
Laser Quiz 2 (1996 CD Express)
Laser Strixx (1995 CD Express)
Lucky Five (1995 CD Express)
Magic Number (1996 CD Express)
Magic Premium (1996 CD Express)
Odeon Twister 1 (1995 CD Express)
Odeon Twister 2 (1999 CD Express)
Elfie the Unicorn Easy (2019 Foxman)
Time Gal AGA (2019 Reimagine)Update Janvier 2019: (ajout/update WHDLG)
Mirror (2017 Zener) (update v20)
Alien Fish Finger (1995-2011 Skull Army) (update WHDLG)
Arctic moves (2017 Meynaf) (update v2)
Asgard Met Vikings (2013 Paradise a1k) (update WHDLG)
Center Court 2 (1997-2016 G Fritsche) (update WHDLG)
Enemy 2 (2013 Anachronia) (update 1.28)
Mr Beanbag (2011 RetroSoft) (Update 2012)
Alter Ego (2015 Wanted Team) (update WHDLG)
Solomon’s Key 1 (2013 Wanted Team) (update WHDLG)
Metro Cross (2013 Wanted Team) (update WHDLG)
Super Sprint (2012 meynaf) (update WHDLG)
Chase (2015 Wanted Team) (update v2)
Gauntlet 1 (2012 Meynaf) (update WHDLG)
International Karate (2013 Meynaf) (update WHDLG)
Karateka (2016 Meynaf) (update WHDLG)
More Lemmings (2016 Amigajay) (update WHDLG)
Sir Ababol (2018 Goblins) (update WHDLG)
Tecnoballz (1991-2015 TLK) (update WHDLG)
Total Pattern (2016 Digital Team) (update WHDLG)
Zerosphere (2015 Code Red) (update WHDLG)
Star Dust Wars (2018 gyagyagyerek) (update 1.3D)
Candy Puzzle (1996 CD Express) (update WHDLG)3 février 2019 à 12 h 36 min #50785StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux (Février 2019):
Spaceward Ho (1994 BebboSoft)
Cubus (1992 Bayer Siebert)
Ineptris (1998 Snarl Up Software)
AmiBird (2017 Dean Hand)
Malédiction (1995 Sébastien D’Heeger)
Madhouse Indian Spirit (1995 Spit)
Catapults (1993 C Jennings C Cooke)
Tales of Gorluth 3 (viddi/AmiWorx)
Tetris Pro 98 (1998-2019 Illusion Software)
Amotrix (1997 Chris Hodges)
Atomic Tetris (1997 Paul Clachlan)
Bebop N Drop (1991 Electronic Horizons/Palomax)
Colours (1995 Carsten Magerkurt)
Defektris (1994 Samsoft)
HexTetris (1996 Eugenio Favaro)
Kjetlis 2 (1993 Kjetil Matheussen)
Spelltris (1995 Gerry Quinn)
Syzygy / Colors 2 (1992 Keith Johnson)
Team Tetris (1994 Jonathan Horan)
Tetriz (1996 Craig Burlock)
Tittris (2001 Richard Fhager/Dawnbringer)
Vanilla Tetris (1997 Iain King)
All Valley Karate Championship (2019 Tom/Jojo073)
ModSurfer (2019 Arcanist)Update Février 2019 (ajout/update WHDLG):
Heart of the Alien (2016 DTA Software Studio)
The Kiwi’s Tale (2018 Earok) (Update v1.1)
Road Avenger (2018 ReImagine) (Update v1.3)
Time Gal (2017 Taito/Reimagine) (Update v1.3)8 mars 2019 à 19 h 27 min #53083StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux (Mars 2019):
Martial Morphers (1998 Digital Ninja)
Crack the Wall (1993 P Bakota)
Unfriendly Fire (1996 Futura Software)
Eldritch (1997 Wez)
Peg It Classic (1994 P Burkey)
Shroom Gammon (1995 P Burkey/Daisy Software)
Piles’o’Tiles (1996 P Burkey)
Willy Worm (1992 Animators)
Alarcity Dungeon (Pixelglass) demoUpdate Mars 2019 (ajout/update WHDLG):
Weapon Masters (1994 Digital Ninja) (update WHDLG)
Duel Sword Doods (1993 Digital Ninja) (update WHDLG)
Fortress (1994 Digital Ninja) (update WHDLG)
Obliteratives (1994 Digital Ninja) (update WHDLG)
Shoot Em Baddies (1992 Digital Ninja) (update WHDLG)
Aquakon (1995 Digital Ninja) (update WHDLG)
TwinZ (1996 Mushroom) (update WHDLG)
Jelly Othelly (1995 P Burkey/Daisy Software) (update WHDLG)8 avril 2019 à 9 h 23 min #54700StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux (Avril 2019):
Bataille Navale 3D (1992-2019 A Bonney)
River Raid Reloaded (2019 Alpha One)
Total Carnage SE (1994-2019 ICE/Earok)
Sardonic (2019 Penisoft)
Biojet (2019 Sculptor)
Cyberwolf demo (Dekadence)
Total Carnage SE (1994-2019 ICE/Earok)
Lumberjack Platform (2019 Lemming880)
Belote (1993-2019 Esat)8 mai 2019 à 8 h 43 min #55883StaffAladin
- Level 25
- Messages : 15163
Découvertes et ajouts de jeux (Mai 2019):
Bill Elliott’s NASCAR Challenge (1991 DSI/Konami)
Ant Wars 1 (1994 Paranoid)
On the Ball World Cup (1994 Ascon)
Touring Car Racer (1992 Cloud Nine/Byte Back)
500 cc Moto Manager (1991 Simulmondo)
GP Tennis Manager (1991 Simulmondo)
Grand Prix Manager (1993 Ave Avid/17 Bit)
Formula One Challenge (1991 Amivision)
Formula One Masters (1994 Amivision/ESP)
Touring Car Challenge (1995 Amivision/OTM)
Cubistix (1989 Rainer Reber)
Emeraude Empire (1990 GFX Movies)
Daily Double Horse Racing (1989 Artworx)Update Mai 2019 (ajout/update WHDLG):
Grand Slam Tennis (1987 Kinetic/Databyte)
On the Ball / Carton Rouge (1994 Ascon) (Fix)
Basket Manager (1990 Simulmondo) (Fix) -
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