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Jeux de type shoot em up sur amiga classic:
1943 (1989 Probe/US Gold)
194X SDL (2006 Gunnar)
Aggression (1996 SB-Soft) demo
Agony (1992 Art & Magic/Psygnosis )
Air Ace 2 (1989 Pasture Pals)
Air Supply (1990 Magic Bytes)
Aladdin’s Magic Lamp (1989 New Line)
Alert (1988 ECP)
Alert X (1994 Techland Soft)
Alienblaster SDL (2012 L Lombardo)
Alpha-1 (1988 ECP)
Anatomic Man (1988 Accolade)
Annihilation (2016 mihcael) demo
Apache Flight (1992 Minds J/Atlantis)
Apano Sin (2000 Level One/VAK)
Apidya (1992 Kaiko/Team 17)
Argus (1995 Craig Byrlock)
Armalyte (1991 Arc Developments/Thalamus)
Artificial Dreams (1988 Maxwell/Prism Leisure)
Arya Vaiv (1994 Megadream/Dongleware)
Atax (1988 Ramware/Eclipse)
Atrophy (1995 Intersect/OTM) demo
A type (1998 Abyss)
Banshee (1994 Core)
Battle Squadron (1989 Cope-com/Electronic Zoo)
Bionix 2 (1989 Mirage Holland)
Bierschen 1 (1993-98 Testaware)
Bierschen 2 (1999 Testaware)
Black Hornet (1991 HIVE/Hi-Tec)
Black Shadow (1987 Zen Room/CRL)
Blizzard (1988 Crysys)
Blood Money (1989 DMA/Psygnosis)
Blork (1994 Scienide) demo
Bomber Bob (1990 Idea)
Bones Brigade (1989 Genesis)
Boron 1 (1994 P Mangan)
Boron 2 (1994 P Mangan)
Botss 3 (1998 Parallel Realities)
Bullitproof (1994 D McGlashen)
Caffeine 1 (1993 Fullspeed)
Caffeine 2 assimilation (1997 Fullspeed)
Calephar (1993 Future)
Carcharodon (1991 Silicon Warriors/Demonware)
Cash Crisis (1989 B Brown)
Chopper 2 Coalition of Nations (1990 Dux)
Chromium BSU SDL (2002 SixK)
Cortex (1988 ECP)
Darius Plus (1989 Softek/Edge)
Death Angel (1995 R Glavas)
Defence Amos (1991 P Sam/K. Barton)
Denaris (1989 Factor 5/Rainbow Arts)
Disposable Hero (1993-1994 Boys Without Brains/Gremlin)
Divumex (1997 Claudio Mazzuco) demo
Dominator (1989 System 3)
Dragon Breed (1990 Arc Developments/Activision)
Dragon Fighter (1991 Idea)
Dragon Spirit (1989 Consult/Domark)
Energy (1995 Holodream) demo
Euphorion (1992 GOS)
Eurofighter (2017 S2N)
Evolution Cryser (1989 SoftTouch/Kingsoft)
Excalibur (1988 Next Generation/Kingsoft)
Extrema (1996 Electronix)
Fatal Mission 1 (1991 R Burrows)
Fatal Mission 2 (1993 R Burrows)
Final Trip (1988 Softgang)
Firefly (1993 Scorpius)
Flying Shark (1988 Images/Rainbird)
Forgotten Worlds (1989 Arc Developments/Capcom)
Foundation’s Waste (1988 Microwish/Exocet)
Frenetic (1991 Core)
Future Combat (1992 Bignonia)
Galax (1995 Syntex)
Galaxy Fight (1987 SoftTouch/Rono)
Game X (2023 hitchhikr)
Gemini Wing (1989 Imagitec/Virgin)
Gem Stone Legend (1990 Loriciel)
Gony Shoot (1996 Yasuaki Gohko)
GroWorm (1997 Wigsoft)
Gunbee F-99 / Amibee (1998 Twin Eagles/APC&TCP)
HATE (1989 Gremlin)
Heavy Metal Heroes / Outlands (1991 BCP/Players)
Hell Bent (1988 Novagen)
Hellzone carnage extreme (1992 Interscan)
Huey (1989 ECP)
Hybris (1988 Cope-com/Discovery)
Hyperdome (1989 Microwish/Exocet)
Ilyad (1989 Ubisoft)
Inferior (1996 Ego)
Inirox (1995 Vista)
Insanity Fight (1987 Linel/Microdeal)
Intact (1990 CrossTechnics/Sphinx)
Jomani’s Flying Art (2025 The Rocks)
Jomani’s Flying Saxophone (2023 The Rocks)
Joy of Killing (1996 The Crew) demo
Jupiter Probe (1987 Microdeal)
Kamikaze (1990 Codemasters)
Katakis (1988 Factor 5/Rainbow Arts)
Kill Da Aliens (1993-2019 shanekelly)
Kill Everything That Moves SDL (2011 L Lombardo)
Killing Machine (1993 Atlantis)
Kingdoms of Steam (2015 amigapd)
Last Duel (1989 Tiertex/US Gold)
Lethal Xcess Wings Of Death 2 (1991 Eclipse)
Lethal Zone (1991 Infernal Byte Systems)
Leviathan (1987 English Software)
Liberator (1992 Scorpius)
Lunar-C (1993 Mindscape)
Mega Typhoon (1996 Nordlicht)
Menace (1988 DMA/Psygnosis)
Mortal Weapon (1995 Magic Image/Mirage Media)
Necronom (1991 Lunatic/Linel)
Noiz2sa SDL (2012 L Lombardo)
Nu (1990 Energy)
Nucleus (1990 Mutation/Microtec)
Oath (1991 Attic)
Offence (1994 Frank Otto)
Open Tyrian SDL (2017 Arti)
Overdrive (1993 Infacto)
P47 Thunderbolt (1990 Source/Firebird)
Peebee (1994 FEZ Productions)
Phantom Fighter (1988 Emerald/Martech)
Phobia (1989 Image Works)
Planet Zybex (1988 P J Hickman)
Plutos (1987 Tynesoft/Mindscape)
Powder (1998 Five Stars VG/Verkosoft)
Project 1 (1988 Coma)
Project-X (1992-1993 Team 17)
Pulsar (1997 Perfection)
Pulsator (1997 Fullspeed) demo
Rage (1992 CAD/Ubisoft)
Rage v2 (1992 G Leroy)
Raid 1 (1991 Fez)
Raid 2 Mission X (1991 Fez)
Raid 3 total fire (1992 Fez)
Raid 4 super (1992 Fez)
Raiden (1994 Imagitec)
Razor (1997 Dente Mendes De Patta) demo
Reshoot (2016 Löwenstein/Amiworx)
River Trap-Rajd (1995 J Karpinski)
Rockdodger SDL (2011 L Lombardo)
Rrootage SDL (2012 L Lombardo)
R-Squadron (1999 K McGrory)
R-Type 1 (1989 Factor 5/Activision)
R-Type 2 (1991 Arc Developments/Activision)
Saint Dragon (1990 Random Access/Storm)
Sarcophaser (1988 Hack and Slay/Rainbow Arts)
Sardonic (2019 Penisoft)
Sci-Fi (1989 Light Source/Digital Magic)
Scorpio (1988 Kingsoft)
Scramble (1995 K Gallagher/TowerByte)
Scramble Spirits (1990 Teque/Grandslam)
Screaming Wings (1987 Red Rat)
SDI Strategic Defense Initiative (1989 Software Studios/Activision)
Seemore Doolittles 1 underwater capers (1996 B Bell/BPM)
Seemore Doolittles 2 toyland capers (1996 B Bell/BPM)
Shenandoah (1994-96 Exceed) demo
Shoot Em Up (1991 4Seasons) demo
Shooting Machine (1988 Rainbow Arts)
Side Arms (1989 Probe/US Gold)
SideWinder 1 (1988 Synergistic/Arcadia)
SideWinder 2 (1990 PAL/Virgin)
Silkworm (1989 Random Access/Virgin)
Silverblade (1992 Mirror Designs)
Sirius 7 (1990 Art/Actual Screenshots)
Sky Fighter (1987 Digital Artwork/Rainbow Arts)
Sky High Stuntman (1991 Codemasters)
Slam Raid (1994 Intersoft)
Slayer (1989 Microwish/Hewson)
Solar System Void Blast (1992 Axel)
Sonic Boom (1990 Source/Activision)
Sophelie (1990 New Deal Productions)
Space Assault (1991 Magic Soft)
Space Day (1989 D Gestel)
Space pilot of death (2021 Goldmomo)
Space War 4 (2003 Inutilis)
Spinworld (1988 Axxiom)
Standard Deviation (1994 Enertia/CoSoft)
Starbirds (1998 S. Jordan)
Star Goose (1988 Logotron)
Stargun SDL (2011 L Lombardo)
Starush (1992 Ubisoft)
Steigar (1989 Akaido/Screen 7)
Stellar Escape (1991 Pyramid Entertainment)
Straf (1990 English Software)
Strange New World (1987 softgang)
Strefa Ciemnosci (1994 Resurrection/Bisoft)
Suicide Mission (1988 MicroValue)
SuperTed the Search for Spot (2014 Hipoonios)
SWIV (1991 Random Access/Storm)
Thesius XII (1995 Underware Design)
Thunderhell (1992 Paolo Cattani/The Alien) demo
Tornado Ground Attack (1991 Energize/Impressions)
Total Excess (1994 Nick The Greek)
T-Racer (1994 Virtual Dreams)
Tubular Worlds (1994 Creative Game Design/Dongleware)
Typhoon (1987 Kingsoft)
T-Zer0 (1999 Trauma Zero Team/PXL)
Ultra Violent Worlds (1998 Vorlon/Alive)
UN Squadron (1990 Tiertex/US Gold)
Vader (1987 Softgang/Anco)
Vade Retro Alienas (Digital Rangers)
Velcro Grub (1991 Digi Wars Server)
Venom Wing (1990 Softeyes/Thalamus)
Violator (1991 Codemasters)
Waponez 1 (1996 NC Games)
Waponez 2 / Groundwars (1997 NC Games) demo
Wendetta 2175 (1996 Vortex/Skills)
Wildfire (1990) demo
Wings Of Death (1990 Eclipse/Thalion)
Xenon 2 (1989 Assembly Line/Image Works)
X-Mas Disater (2009 Gus Entertainment)
X-Out (1990 Rainbow Arts)
XP8 (1996 WeatherMine/Effigy)
XR-35 Fighter Mission (1988 PMB/Anco)
Young Defender (1996 Eclipse)
Zaxxon (1995 Bignonia)
Ziriax (1990 Whiz Kidz/Software Business)
Z-Out (1990 Advantec/Rainbow Arts)
Zynaps (1988 Microwish/Hewson)
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